
When you are indulging in the journey on the way to the discovery of Your MaD Thing, a balance is required. Certainly, there should be moments of quiet and solitude where you can take a break and reset and remove any pressure or stressors. 

This journey of discovery does not happen, however, without action. Unless you are DOing something, unless you are engaged in the search, unless your awareness triggers some activity on a regular repetitive basis, the search will seem to be endless. Without action, the chance of you finding Your MaD Thing reduces to a minuscule percentage.

If you are actively engaged, or a trigger fires to remind you, there is much you can DO. 

  • Indulge in tasting other people’s guidance or programs. This may be reading, surfing, watching videos. Focus and discipline are key, given the tendency for us to squirrel – that is, be distracted by the shiny things in our periphery. 
  • Writing is another activity, and using a pen or pencil on paper is a known means to learn deeply with longer retention.
  • Meditation and solitude are productive activities. Focus on a topic, sorting through the positives and negatives, considering your choices in a more engaged manner.
  • Find a coach to guide you in an area where your skills need building. 
  • Talk with trusted friends and advisors about specific topics.

Allow yourself patience, however. Ongoing and regular activity is needed, and the process will take as long as needed. The distance between you and Your MaD Thing may be short or long, yet it is the right place. Know that, when you start, leverage awareness, and engage in activity, you’ll discover.


Just DO.

Australian, StoryTeller, Speaker, Author, Motivator, Actor, Director, Emcee, Artist, Creator, Slide Advisor, FrescheThinker, CXO

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